T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
İSTANBUL / ARNAVUTKÖY - Cahit Zarifoğlu İlkokulu

In the midst of everything stands the Sun

Short description

Our scientific, artistic and philosophical revolution in the footsteps of Copernicus, on the 150th Anniversary of his birth. Topics will focus on the Solar system and the Space events that will take place.


1) Learning to learn : -Interact effectively in different communication situations, respecting the interlocutors, the rules of conversation and observing a register appropriate to the context and recipients;

- Respect times and ways of execution of a job;

-Be able to search and organize sources and  materials in a functional way to own path; 

- Self-assess the process learning.

2) Basic skills in science and technology: Observe, analyze and describe phenomena belonging to reality natural and aspects of life day-to-day, formulate hypotheses e verify them.

3) Digital skills: -Use adequate resources for design and construction of simple products; - Basic digital skills, i.e. the knowledge necessary to have a good understanding of the digital environment and use computers and software correctly, and specialist skills in the ICT (Information and Communications Technology)

4) Knowledge Skills Science: Elements of astronomy (solar system; universe; cycles

at night; seasons),  Astronomical phenomena (eclipses,motions of the stars and planets,phases of the moon).

5) Science skill:  Observe, model and interpret  more obvious celestial phenomena through observing the night sky e diurnal, also using planetariums or computer simulations; Reconstruct earth movements from on which day and night and the alternation depend of the seasons;  Explain, also by means of simulations, the mechanisms of the eclipse of sun and moon.



We intend to work with our partner schools in a cooperative way and by sharing responsibilities and work organization. Approximately the calendar of activities runs from April to June. The other partner and I will organize a meeting approximately every 15 days and we will discuss each other through emails, whats app groups and chats on the eTwinning platform. We will involve our pupils by writing letters for Easter greetings, organizing remote video meetings and organizing digital games to play together.


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Yayın: 06.12.2022 - Güncelleme: 16.04.2023 14:22 - Görüntülenme: 207
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